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Talk Series on Cooperation Research

The Amsterdam-Copenhagen Cooperation Colloquia (AC3) are a series of online talks on interdisciplinary cooperation research.

The series is sponsored by the Amsterdam Cooperation Lab at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (PI Daniel Balliet) and the Personality and Social Psychology Group at the University of Copenhagen (PIs Robert Böhm and Ingo Zettler).

The AC3 provide a forum for recent research on cooperation in humans and other animals. The series is interdisciplinary and international by design. The AC3 will feature speakers working in a wide range of disciplines (anthropology, biology, economics, psychology, etc.) and with a variety of methods.

Talks are held every second Friday at 15:00 GMT+1 (Amsterdam/Copenhagen) / 14:00 GMT (London) / 9:00 GMT-5 (New York).

If you are interested in attending, please register here to receive links to this and future talks. More information about the AC3 can be found here.

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