December 15th and 16, 2016th
University of Antwerp
In 2003, the Human Evolution and Behavior Network (HEBEN) was founded to meet the challenges posed by dramatic changes in our understanding of our own species. The Center is dedicated to advancing interdisciplinary research of human thinking and behaviour in the Low Countries. HEBEN organizes an annual conference with national and international speakers. The Cognition, Behavior, & Evolution Network in the Low Countries (CBEN) was founded in 2015 to unite scholars working in the fields of evolutionary psychology, behavioral ecology, human biology, primatology, and cultural evolution. The aim of CBEN is to facilitate research and education in relation to the evolution of cognition and behavior. Its basis is in The Netherlands and Belgium but we invite scholars from other countries to join us.
The main scope of this joint HEBEN/CBEN event is to offer a platform for presentation and feedback to young researchers. Yet we welcome anyone to attend this event, and to submit an abstract for presentation. This year’s event is scheduled on December 15 & 16, 2016.
Registration & Program
You can register for the event and view the program here.